Immunity is the ability of the body to resist and fight against various infections and thereby protects the body from disease. The immunological system is one of the most important and complex systems of our body. Normal functioning of the immune system is necessary for optimal health and vitality throughout the year, especially in the season of increased exposure to infectious agents, such as during the winter months. Strengthening immunity is very complex, but various dietary supplements are there to strengthen the natural defense mechanisms of the body and help fight against various viruses, bacteria and parasites that cause diseases.
Dandelion syrup or honey is a natural dietary supplement from dandelion flower that is used in herbal medicine and helps relieve symptoms of colds, bronchitis and gum inflammation, but also has various other benefits. Traditionally, dandelion is recommended for a number of diseases and for strengthening the immune system. Dandelion syrup is rich in antioxidants, which is why it is also good for detoxification and liver cleansing.
Pine needles are interesting because they contain high amounts of vitamin C which is important for optimal functioning of the immune system. It is known that some types of pine needles contain more vitamin C than even six lemons! That's why it is smart to use pine needle products preventively, but also for treating colds and flu.